Revolutionary technology designated to
never lose
another customer again.
Thank you for your submission!
Imagine never losing another customer again.
60% of customers don’t return after their 1st restaurant
How would you like to make sure your restaurant can win them back, automatically?
Einstein was designed to do the work for you. Our technology notices when a
guest hasn’t visited
lately and sends a compelling incentive (with an expiration) to
get them to come back again.
Einstein was designed to work for you, it’s
like having a new employee that works
with just one mission - bring more
customers through your door.
Einstein automatically sends out a text message with an
offer to your customers on
their birthdays, anniversaries,
and when they haven't visited in a while!
We incentivize customers to come back automatically with our text-message marketing
exclusively for restaurants - It’s called our Einstein Retention Software.
Thank you for your submission!
Have a question? Call (713) 496-0261